Drexel Student Doctor Network (2025)

1. 2023-2024 Drexel | Student Doctor Network

  • More results from forums.studentdoctor.net

  • 2023-2024 Drexel Secondary Essay Prompts Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that...

2023-2024 Drexel | Student Doctor Network

2. Drexel University College of Medicine | Student Doctor Network

  • Admissions Information · Phone: (215) 991-8202 · Fax: (215) 843-1766 · Email: medadmis@drexel.edu · Website: www.drexel.edu/medicine/ ...

  • Review of Drexel University College of Medicine . Get the latest information, opinions of fellow students, and LizzyM and SDN Rankings.

Drexel University College of Medicine | Student Doctor Network

3. Drexel University College of Medicine Interview Feedback

  • "Student Doctor Network, www.review.com (Princeton Review), Drexel Med wesite, www.aamc.org" More from this Member | Report Response. "This web site and the ...

  • Ranking of schools based on SDN s years of school data and member surveys. SDN is independent and nonprofit.

Drexel University College of Medicine Interview Feedback

4. Drexel University College of Medicine School - Student Doctor Network

Drexel University College of Medicine School - Student Doctor Network

5. St Peters University Hospital -- Drexel University: Medicine - Scutwork

  • Scutwork from Student Doctor Network | Insights on residency programs from students and residents who have been there.

6. Student doctor network drexel.

  • One good place to get info on Drexel med school are the forums of the Student Doctor Network. If you are applying to medical school this cycle, you can see ...

  • 404

7. Financial Aid Process - Drexel University

8. Drexel Black Doctor Network's Annual Networking Gala Event Details

  • Feb 17, 2023 · DBDN's ultimate goal is to connect Drexel medical students who identify as Black/African-American with physicians in the Greater ...

  • Friday, February 17, 2023

Drexel Black Doctor Network's Annual Networking Gala Event Details

9. Student Doctor Network — Special Reports - Ivy College Prep, LLC.

  • Competition to become a doctor has always been fierce. In 2008, 42,231 medical school applicants submitted 558,000 applications for 18,000 spots in the 128 ...

  • Ralph Becker

10. Student Doctor Network on LinkedIn: Drexel University's merger with ...

  • Jul 10, 2024 · "Just last month, Temple University started talks to acquire University of the Arts after the 150-year-old school abruptly closed due to an ...

  • "Just last month, Temple University started talks to acquire University of the Arts after the 150-year-old school abruptly closed due to an 'urgent' financial…

Student Doctor Network on LinkedIn: Drexel University's merger with ...

11. Drexel University College of Medicine (MCP Hahnemann) Program: Surgery

  • Scutwork from Student Doctor Network | Insights on residency programs from students and residents who have been there.

12. Drexel University College of Medicine Interview Feedback 8843

  • Ranking of schools based on SDN s years of school data and member surveys. SDN is independent and nonprofit.

  • Ranking of schools based on SDN s years of school data and member surveys. SDN is independent and nonprofit.

Drexel University College of Medicine Interview Feedback 8843

13. Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023 - College Confidential Forums

  • Apr 6, 2022 · Allopathic Medical School Reviews List | Student Doctor Network ... students with 525/4.0 knowing that they are counting Drexel as a safety.

  • does anyone know the interview format for Drexel? Any kind of insight would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023 - College Confidential Forums
Drexel Student Doctor Network (2025)


What percent of Drexel students get into med school? ›

Drexel's acceptance rate is about 6.1%. Considering that, on average, 16,000 students apply to their College of Medicine every year, this makes Drexel Med School's acceptance rate a competitive one. In terms of the student body, the average GPA of a student accepted to Drexel Med school is 3.66.

Is Drexel medical school hard to get into? ›

Acceptance Rate: 7% (one of the highest acceptance rates for a private school) A private medical school, Drexel University has an unusually high acceptance rate. Of the 11,717 students who applied to Drexel's College of Medicine last year, 1,506 were granted interviews, and 811 received acceptance offers.

Is Drexel MD pass fail? ›

The College of Medicine follows a systems-based curriculum that is graded pass/fail.

What GPA do you need for Drexel pathway to medical school? ›

What are the requirements to matriculate into Drexel University College of Medicine? Once an applicant is accepted into the Drexel Pathway to Medical School program, they must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.4 with no grade lower than a C in any course and without repeating or remediating a course.

What is the average MCAT score for Drexel MD? ›

Gaining admission to Drexel University College of Medicine is Moderately Competitive. Applicants typically have an average GPA of 3.75 and an average MCAT score of 512.

What GPA do you need for Drexel BSMD? ›

While in the undergraduate portion of the program, students must: Maintain at least a 3.6 GPA in all coursework, including all BCPM classes (all biological sciences, chemistry, physics, and math), without repeating a course and with no grade less than a C.

What tier is Drexel medical school? ›

Drexel University is in Tier 3 in Best Medical Schools: Research and in Tier 3 in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care.

Is Drexel hard academically? ›

Drexel's academic rigor is definitely tough, challenging, and fast.

What is the acceptance rate for Drexel BS MD program? ›

Drexel's acceptance rate is 6.1 percent, so if you decide to pursue Drexel Medical School, chances are you'll be competing with many talented applicants. The College of Medicine's most recently reported academic statistics are for the class of 2026: Average GPA: 3.66. Average MCAT score: 511.

Do people get rejected from Drexel? ›

The acceptance rate at Drexel University is 79.6%.

For every 100 applicants, 80 are admitted. This means the school is lightly selective.

Is Drexel medical school closing? ›

On June 26, 2019, Hahnemann University Hospital, the primary teaching hospital affiliated with Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, announced that it was filing for bankruptcy and would be closing its doors in late September.

What is special about Drexel medical school? ›

Drexel University College of Medicine has long been an innovator in medical education. Our supportive educational environment emphasizes collaboration and gives students a comfort level that lets them learn and thrive. Faculty members are concerned first and foremost with teaching and helping students.

Is Drexel Med hard to get into? ›

Drexel has an oddly high medical school acceptance rate for a private medical school. Out of the 11,717 applicants to the College of Medicine last year, 1,506 got to the interview stage, and only 811 got accepted. Eventually, only 254 accepted students chose to attend Drexel last year.

What is the tuition for Drexel medical school? ›

Is a 3.8 GPA too low for med school? ›

In general, 3.6 or above is a good GPA for med school. A 3.8 GPA is needed to be considered very competitive for med school.

What school sends the most students to medical school? ›

The Top Feeder Schools
SchoolStudents in a Top Program#1 Destination
Harvard1,742Harvard Medical School
Stanford1,269Stanford University School of Medicine
Columbia998Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
Yale991Harvard Medical School
26 more rows
Apr 16, 2024

What percentage of med students get into med school? ›

Overall, med school acceptance rates are higher than you might expect. Medical schools in the United States have an acceptance rate of around 41%. While these programs are hard to get into, medical school is an attainable goal for many people.

Is Drexel good for medical? ›

Drexel University 2024 Rankings

Drexel University is in Tier 3 in Best Medical Schools: Research and in Tier 3 in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care.

What major has the highest acceptance rate to medical school? ›

1. Which major has the highest acceptance rate into medical school? Math and statistics majors, humanities majors and physical science majors have the highest acceptance rates into medical school. However, biological science majors remain the highest number of applicants to medical school.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.