Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (2025)

FAST 2K™ DECK POST ANCHORBrett Whatley2023-01-16T15:12:29-06:00


Fast 2KTM Deck Post Anchor is the go-to selection for any type of post setting project.
Cleaner, easier, and faster than concrete and still strong enough to get the job done!

It is Building Code Compliant and suitable for deck posts, pole barn posts, carport posts, even standard fence posts. Everything you need to set the post comes right in this little 2.5 lbs. bag (no extras required: hardware, saddle, post base). Set the post directly in the composite.

Within minutes you will successfully set your post in the ground. Within a half hour you are ready to start building on the post.

  • For load-bearing and non-load bearing projects
  • Complies with ICC, and meets requirements of the IBC, IRC and NRC
  • Lightweight and convenient
  • No water required
  • Mix in 30 seconds / Set in 3-5 minutes / Build in 15-30 minutes
  • Works with all post types (wood, metal, vinyl, plastic)
  • Water-resistant when fully cured
  • Can be used in below freezing temperatures





Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (35)

Does not require water

No water is required in the mixing process making Fast 2KTMmore convenient than concrete for setting deck and fence posts.


Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (36)

Cut away unwanted product

The finished look of your post installation job is important. When Fast 2KTMis dry you can cut away unwanted product material with a handsaw or utility knife.


Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (37)

General Installation

Fast 2KTM Deck Post Anchor must be installed in accordance with report ESR-4077 and the manufacturer’s published installation instructions.

Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (38)

Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (39)

Building Code Compliance

Fast 2KTMDeck Post Anchor has been third party tested and was found to perform as well as concrete for load bearing applications. Fast 2KTMDeck Post Anchor has been found to comply with Section 1807.3 of the International Building Code and Subsection 9.12.3 of Division B of the National Building Code (NBC) of Canada 2015.


INDIVIDUAL KITS (as pictured) 33.8 fl. oz. (1L)
Case contains 10 x 33.8 fl oz (1L).
Each kit fills 0.5 cu ft space


Other sizes available: Contact H.B. Fuller for more details on how to purchase below sizing:

CONTRACTOR CASE of 12 x 33.8 fl.oz. (1L) divided bags (bulk packaged).
Each kit fills 0.5 cu ft space

Each kit fills between 1 cu ft and 9 cu ft

Available upon request, contact us for more information.

Series Name: 259 - Deck Post Anchor
Material: Polyurethane




  • Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (40)

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Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (43)

Fast 2K Fence Post Backfill is super lightweight and forms a waterproof barrier that extends the life of wooden posts. This foam is also strong enough to resist lateral force of more than 500 lbs. and has the compression strength three to four times that of tamped soil. And it doesn't need to be mixed with water. You just pull the clip that separates the two components, mix the bag for 30 seconds and pour the liquid down the hole. The post/pole will be ready for use in just 15 minutes!

The Family Handyman
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (44)

I just wanted to reach out and say Thank You. I had seen your product on YouTube before I seen it at Menards. I wanted to try it as I thought that the foam may help absorb energy from impact. I used your post foam, a wood post, and a good solid steel mailbox. As of today, just a few months in, my mailbox has eaten it’s THIRD vehicle mirror and the combination is holding up much better than I assumed. The foam and the wood compliment each other excellently. Thank you and God Bless!

Joe S. Scottsburg, IN
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (45)

We were impressed how easy and fast and the posts are sturdy and we absolutely are using it again for more projects . We loved the simplicity and fastness and the post held strong as cement ones we put in. Thank you and God Bless!

Ron K. - Two Rivers, WI
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (46)

Last summer while I was away on business, we had a wicked wind storm in Airdrie, AB and it blew away part of our fence. I told [my neighbor] one morning that I will take care of replacing the fence post myself. By the time they got back from work, I already had all the posts up and was starting on the fence. I showed him the fast 2k product that I had used and was pretty surprised myself on the efficacy and strength of said product.

Oliver M. - Aridrie, Alberta
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (47)

We were impressed how easy and fast and the posts are sturdy and we absolutely are using it again for more projects . We loved the simplicity and fastness and the post held strong as cement ones we put in. Thank you and God Bless!

Mike B. - Illinois
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (48)

We recently built a privacy fence in our backyard and both my husband and myself were not looking forward to hauling a ton of concrete/wheelbarrowing it etc to the site of the project to set the posts. We came across a product at Lowes called Fast 2K which looked unbelievably easy. We were thrilled, this product was so easy to use and with the bonus of no clean up etc. A bonus when tackling home reno projects yourself.

Debbie W. - Barrie, ON
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (49)

I love my concrete but this stuff is awesome. I had around 30 4×6 posts to set for a couple fences I was building around the Jump Caddy shops. So I made up some quick support to hold a post perfectly straight and level and poured in a bag. While I worked on the next post the first one had already set so I was able to just grab the same supports and move them with me. In the past I would have spent a long day getting all the posts set perfect and then an even longer time mixing cement and pouring all of the holes hoping that something didn’t shift.

Rod D. - Jump Caddy Equestrian and Custom Wagons
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (50)

We have recently used Fast 2K to install two 45” wide signs and another one 68” wide with two posts each. We were impressed with how quick Fast 2K sets without the mess of concrete. The signs we did were replacements, so we had to remove the original signs first and the holes ended up being pretty wide. So we poured one bag of Fast 2K in one hole, then poured another bag in the second one, topped up the first one after a couple of minutes, topped up the second hole and so on. It was so much faster than using concrete that we finished the job in almost half the time.

Derrick M. - Island Woodworks Plus Plus
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (51)

My son’s fence built in two and a half days. Everybody wants to know how it got built that fast, We did it with Fast 2K two part foam. Dug the holes and set the poles before lunch and after lunch started put 1X6 cedar on. Finished with building the gate on Sunday.

Doug Y. - Scott's Lumber
Deck Post Anchor Foam | Post Foam for Decks, Barns & Signs | Fast 2K (2025)


Can you use fast 2K for deck posts? ›

Which product can be used for load bearing pillar foundation (such as decks, timber frame foundations etc.)? Fast 2KTM Deck Post Anchor has been specifically engineered for these applications.

Is expanding foam good for deck posts? ›

As a review, there are benefits to expanding foam for deck posts that are apparent like smaller bags, no messy mixing and great load bearing abilities, but there are also great advantages happening at the molecular level when it comes to the chemical bonds of the product giving this material the benefits of durability ...

How to use fast 2K deck post anchor 2.5 lb fast setting concrete mix? ›

You just pull the clip that separates the two components, mix the bag for 30 seconds and pour the liquid down the hole. The post/pole will be ready for use in just 15 minutes!

What is fast 2K post filler? ›

Fast 2K expands to set wood, vinyl and metal posts in 2-5 minutes. After 15 minutes, you can start building the fence. Fast 2K can be used during the winter and is waterproof so it helps to protect the wood post against rotting. Posts can also be set with Fast 2K in much narrower holes than with concrete.

How long does fast 2K take to cure? ›


Fast 2K™ expands immediately after mixing and secures the post in the desired position within 3-5 minutes. Fences can be installed in 15-30 minutes after Fast 2K™ finishes expanding. Fast 2K™ does not require water and becomes waterproof after fully cured.

What is the best material for deck posts? ›

Use These Deck Post Materials to Improve Your Deck's Longevity
  • Pressure-Treated Pine. The most affordable decking material that we install is pressure-treated pine. ...
  • Cedar. ...
  • Mahogany. ...
  • Ipe. ...
  • Composites. ...
  • PVC. ...
  • Other Post Design Ideas. ...
  • Call the Deck Aficionados at Seal-a-Deck Today!

How to get fast 2K off hands? ›

Should some of the Fast 2K™ get ON YOUR SKIN, wipe away, then wash the area immediately while product is still wet. Should the product cure on your skin, apply liberal amounts of hand lotion to the area, multiple times a day, and it will peel away after 2- 3 days.

How long does fence post foam last? ›

When installing fence posts with concrete, it's important to mix the concrete properly to help it last for 50 or more years. Expanded foam lasts from 15 to 40 years as a post-hole filler. Both materials offer support, but concrete will likely last longer with proper installation.

How do I get rid of fast 2K? ›

Fast 2K™ Deck Post Anchor can only be mechanically removed after the product cures – clean while wet. Use of a cloth wetted with mineral spirits can assist in removing Fast 2K™ Deck Post Anchor before it hardens.

Does foam work for fence posts? ›

Fast 2K™ fence post foam is an alternative to concrete for setting posts, poles, signs and much more. It is a two-part proprietary polymer that expands to fill the peripheral void between the post and the hole, using the same technology applied by H.B. Fuller to set utility poles for over 20 years.

What is a fast 2K? ›

Our award-winning Fast 2K™ is a convenient alternative to using concrete for setting fence posts, mailboxes, deck, sign, and barn post anchors, and more. Conveniently packaged in a small bag, users simply need to mix the two-component kit, pour the contents into the hole, and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Can you use fast setting concrete for deck posts? ›

Fast-setting concrete is ideal for setting posts because there's no mixing—you simply pour the dry concrete from the bag right into the hole, then add water.

What lag bolts to use for deck posts? ›

Hex bolts: Hex head lag bolts and hex lag screws are ideal for joining wood together. They make your job easier due to their prominent, sturdy design.

Can you use fast 2K for flag pole? ›

Fast 2K Deck Post Anchor is much faster and more convenient than using concrete to set mailboxes, basketball hoops, flag poles, bird feeders and more! Plus, you get the added benefits of no water required, no wheelbarrow and no messy clean up.

Can I use quikrete for deck posts? ›

Take a look at this video and you'll see how easy it is to set a post without mixing concrete using QUIKRETE's fast setting concrete. And once you've learned how to set your post, head into J&W Lumber to get some QUIKRETE and finish your fencing or decking project.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6437

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.