Bonus Medals
Bonus medals unlock a unique bonus for a certain skill. A medal is effective only when its related skill has been unlocked.
Aircraft Shield10% damage reduction.
Binocular Recon15% efficiency increase.
Car Shield10% damage reduction.
Mark Area100% efficiency increase.
VHC DestructionIncrease the damage done to vehicles by 20%.
Lost Car
Places where you can start Lost Car side missions.
El Invisible, Lost Car #1Pickup truck.
El Invisible, Lost Car #2A bike on top of the hill.
El Invisible, Lost Car #3A helicopter next to the Unidad outpost.
El Invisible, Lost Car #4Buggy on top of the hill.
Los Jinetes Locos, Lost Car #14x4.
Los Jinetes Locos, Lost Car #2Bike.
Los Kamikazes, Lost Car #1Helicopter.
Los Kamikazes, Lost Car #2Sports Car.
The Death Riders, Lost Car #1Buggy.
The Death Riders, Lost Car #2Helicopter.
Lost Cars
Locations of the cars you need to find to complete the Lost Car side missions.
El Invisible, Lost Car #1 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
El Invisible, Lost Car #2 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
El Invisible, Lost Car #3 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
El Invisible, Lost Car #4 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
Los Jinetes Locos, Lost Car #1 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
Los Jinetes Locos, Lost Car #2 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
Los Kamikazes, Lost Car #1 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
Los Kamikazes, Lost Car #2 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
The Death Riders, Lost Car #1 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
The Death Riders, Lost Car #2 (Car)Related quests: Lost Car.
Weapon Cases
Each weapon case contains one new weapon that will be added to your ingame arsenal when collected.
6P41Light Machine Gun.A Russian belt-fed machine gun.
AK-47Assault Rifle.The world's most popular combat rifle.
CarnageAssault Rifle.A weapon soaked in the blood of many enemies and red paint.It's inside the mine. Entrance is NE.
D-50Handgun.Most powerful semi-auto handgun in the world.
Desert GlitterHandgun.You won't regret this choice of gun when the club's spotlights reflect on its shiny handle.
Dollar SignLight Machine Gun.Inspired by the classiest of currencies.
DragonbreathLight Machine Gun.A weapon named for both its look and its typical user's halitosis.
Dragunov (SVD)Sniper Rifle.The classic, Russian semi-automatic sniper rifle.
Eagle StareSubmachine GunThere's nothing like fighting for America with a bullet-coughing Bald Eagle.
Fishy ShortyShotgun.The ideal weapon for concealed shooting underwater.
G2Assault Rifle.The French Commando's bullpup.
Golden SafariAssault Rifle.This connoisseur's weapon will slaughter both your fiercest enemy and the rarest of animals.
Mud and BloodSniper Rifle.This weapon's paint is an homage to the troubling local cuisine.
Native SkorpionCompact Machine Gun.Thr ethnic motifs and classy colors really enhance an otherwise blunt choice of weapons.
P90Submachine Gun.Light, powerful, and handy in CQC.
PP19Submachine Gun.The Bizon, a veteran of the Caucasus.
Skull and DronesAssault Rifle.This instrument od death is a powerful fashion statement.Top floor of the building.
SPAS-12Shotgun.A shotgun used by police and military all over the world.
SRSA 1Sniper Rifle.A bolt-action bullpup, compact for CBQ.
Type 95Light Machine Gun.A reliable bullpup with a limited range.
Skill Points
Locations of Skill Point items. Each Skill Points item, that can be found, adds 1, 3 or 5 skill points.
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +5
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1On the table, upper floor of the church.
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +5
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +5
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +3Inside the Unidad base secret tunnel.
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +5
Skill Point, Narco RoadSkill Points +1
Places where you can start side mission "Air Spray".
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Cartel Activity, Airspray
Places where you can start side mission "Amphetatruck".
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Cartel Activity, Amphetatruck
Animal Traffic
Places where you can start side mission "Animal Traffic".
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Cartel Activity, Animal Traffic
Rally Points
Agua Verde Alpha
Agua Verde Delta
Arturo's BarRelated quests: A Prophet on Wheels.
Barvechos Alpha
Barvechos Bravo
Barvechos Charlie
Bigfish Lookout
Eddie's Big VillaRelated quests: A Long Expected Party.
Eddie's Bigger VillaRelated quests: A New Follower.
Eddie's Camp SiteRelated quests: Celebrity Run.
Eddie's Private BeachRelated quests: A Long Expected Party.
Flor De Oro Alpha
Flor De Oro Bravo
Flor De Oro Charlie
Inca Camina Alpha
Itacua Alpha
Itacua Bravo
Itacua Charlie
Itacua Delta
Itacua Echo
Jinetes Locos HideoutRelated quests: Bling is the Thing.
La Cruz Alpha
La Cruz Bravo
Libertad Charlie
Malca Alpha
Malca Bravo
Malca Charlie
Malca Delta
Media Luna Alpha
Media Luna Bravo
Mojocoyo Alpha
Mojocoyo Bravo
Montuyoc Alpha
Montuyoc Bravo
Montuyoc Charlie
Pucara Alpha
Pucara Bravo
Pucara Charlie
Pucara Delta
Remanzo Bravo
San Mateo Alpha
San Mateo Bravo
Señor Sonrisa Hideout
Tabacal Bravo
Tonio's Garage